Climate Change and Innovation in the Building Sector (CIBS) is a research project.

The aim is to contribute to dialogue, learning and innovation among compagnies, institutions, planners and residents on future demands to the building sector.

The project has a regional perspective and is situated in region Zealand in Denmark.

Foto: detalje fra nyt parcelhus i bebyggelsen Fremtidens Parcelhuse i Herfølge

Challenges for the building sector

Sustainable transformation of the construction and housing sector is a main future challenge. Climate changes raise new construction demands. Experiments, innovation and sharing of experiences are necessary to support changes in the building sector.

Regional and local experiences

On this web-site you can find case-studies about development processes and local initiatives supporting sustainable building from the viewpoint of a region in Denmark, region Zealand.

Dialogue and good examples

What can be done by the local government, by innovative compagnies, by people who want to live in a more sustainable environment? Read about  experiences from communities in Denmark:

A regional project

The project CIBS - Climate change and Innovation in the Building Sector focuses on the possibilities from a local regional perspective to support innovations and sustainable building activities. How can compagnies, communities, local governments and involved institutions support sustainable building?  Local communities in Denmark show a variety of experiments and initiatives, involving technologies as well as user life styles, regulation practices, and innovative building compagnies.

Climate tours

You may visit some of the innovative building projects. Tours to Egedal, Roskilde, Albertslund, Lolland, Køge, Fri & Fro, and Hallingelille can be arranged, see the catalogue.

Local communities in front

Many local communities in Denmark have developed innovative ideas and plans for climate protection, renewable energy, CO2-reduction. They also contain strategies for CO2-reduction in buildings. Some communities have a long history of Agenda-21 activities sustainability strategies. Read the case-stories and:

The project is financed by Vækstforum Sjælland.
Logo for vækstforum Sjælland og Region Sjælland

This web-site is edited by Roskilde University in cooperation with Technical University of Denmark, Danish Building Research Institute, Technological Institute, PP-consult, Syd-tek and Bjørn Axelsen ApS. Coordinator: Inger Stauning, RUC, is (a) ruc .dk