RGB Lamps A/S - an innovative company

RGB Lamps A/S  is a small company that develops and produces diode lighting for multiple purposes.

The company is an example of a small innovative company that has found a product which is predicted a great future penetration. While diodes initially only emit light in a few colors, technology developed at Risø and DTU have created opportunities for lamps based on diodes to feature all colors and to be regulated as needed. Diode lighting consumes only a fraction of the incandescent bulbs energy needs, but is still more expensive in production.

Diode lighting is already used not only as a supplement to existing sources of light - but as a light source that can meet the exact demands currently set out for quality lighting where there is a need for a fine and pleasant white light with excellent light quality.


RGB Lamps have in a period participated in several projects with the clear intention to develop diode technology in Denmark. This will primarily entail a significant reduction in the energy consumption and at the same time lead to an opportunity to design the diode lighting for specific applications. Latest project is collaboration on street lighting in Gedser.


RGB technology makes it possible to produce light sources that are targeted at the specific application. “We can increase such special effects in the light as needed, which has never before been possible. Color temperature is only one of many parameters involved in the design of a bulb. Each newly designed RGB bulb is exposed to more than 40.000 calculations before we fabricate and test it. RGB is cooperating with several private and public companies where we have solved special tasks on diode lighting for different applications.” (Interview at the company)

By Merete Nørby, TI, 2008

This web-site is edited by Roskilde University in cooperation with Technical University of Denmark, Danish Building Research Institute, Technological Institute, PP-consult, Syd-tek and Bjørn Axelsen ApS. Coordinator: Inger Stauning, RUC, is (a) ruc .dk