Koege Municipality and the “Future Single Family Houses” in Herfolge

Modernistisk parcelhus i træ
A house in Herfoelge (foto: Rune Johansen)

Koge’s Agenda 21 Center, ’The Green House’ , took in 2005 initiative for the demonstration project ’Fremtidens parcelhuse’. The project was supported by Koge Municipality via the reservation of a land development area in Herfolge for the project. The project evolved from an initial ambition of 10-15 homes to include a total of 86 standard house projects (spread over 49 single family houses, 9 double houses and 21 terraced houses). By January 2008 approximately half of the project was realized.

Modernistisk parcelhus i mursten og træ
(foto: Rune Johansen)

The project is groundbreaking in relation to the development of standard house constructions that meet the requirements for low-energy buildings (at least low energy class 2, referring to BR06), plus environmental and health requirements materialized through the Swan-label requirements Swan-label requirements for houses. The decisive goal with the project was the development of standard house constructions. The demonstration project aimed at getting the established standard house companies to generate concepts for energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and healthy homes, aimed at the common buyer, as part of their offerings. To pursue this goal one of the requirements was that all houses should be different. In the project, which was supported by Realdania, the architectural quality of the demonstration buildings was also emphasized.

The project is an example of how the municipality and local stakeholders can develop local sustainable construction in collaboration with the construction industry and simultaneously actively take part in developing the construction industry. In relation to the progress of the project a number of crucial points can be identified.

This web-site is edited by Roskilde University in cooperation with Technical University of Denmark, Danish Building Research Institute, Technological Institute, PP-consult, Syd-tek and Bjørn Axelsen ApS. Coordinator: Inger Stauning, RUC, is (a) ruc .dk