Support for low-energy buildings - Egedal Municipality

For single building plots it is up to the individual purchasers to liaise with contractors, architects, builders and possibly standard house firms to draw, plan and carry out the construction. In most cases though, the municipal planning department helped negotiate solutions on the energy framework requirements and technical issues etc. The planning and implementation is thus spread among a broad range of contractors and standard house companies.

Kommunens myndighedsbehandling har lagt stor vægt på at energirammeberegningerne skal udføres korrekt og en tilknyttet energikonsulent giver forslag til hvordan det enkelte projekt optimeres til at overholde lavenergikravet. Der er desuden stillet krav om trykprøvning og termografi som en kontrol af byggeriets tæthed og de udførte isoleringsarbejder.

The municipality’s authorities processing has placed great emphasis on correct execution of energy framework calculations and an affiliated energy consultant must give suggestions on how each project is optimized in order to meet the low energy requirements. Additionally, requirements are made for blower-door-tests and thermo graphic tests as an inspection of the air tightness of the building and the quality of the insulation of the building.

A CONCERTO project under the EU launched in 2008 monitors the Stenlose South project and with a financial framework of 25 million DKK it aims to ensure exchange of experience in Europe, holding of conferences and support for 8 Danish suppliers in order to develop their products. In addition, the construction of a CO2-neutral combined heat and power plant in Stenlose South is supported. Egedal municipality has undertaken the management of the project and has established a Concerto secretariat which is to handle contact between the Concerto project and the Egedal municipality’s Stenlose South project.

This web-site is edited by Roskilde University in cooperation with Technical University of Denmark, Danish Building Research Institute, Technological Institute, PP-consult, Syd-tek and Bjørn Axelsen ApS. Coordinator: Inger Stauning, RUC, is (a) ruc .dk